Source code for pygeoapi.api

# =================================================================
# Authors: Tom Kralidis <>
#          Francesco Bartoli <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Tom Kralidis
# Copyright (c) 2020 Francesco Bartoli
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
# conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# =================================================================
""" Root level code of pygeoapi, parsing content provided by webframework.
Returns content from plugins and sets reponses

from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib.parse

from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
import pytz

from pygeoapi import __version__
from pygeoapi.linked_data import (geojson2geojsonld, jsonldify,
from pygeoapi.log import setup_logger
from pygeoapi.plugin import load_plugin, PLUGINS
from pygeoapi.provider.base import (
    ProviderGenericError, ProviderConnectionError, ProviderNotFoundError,
    ProviderInvalidQueryError, ProviderNoDataError, ProviderQueryError,
    ProviderItemNotFoundError, ProviderTypeError)

from pygeoapi.provider.tile import (ProviderTileNotFoundError,
from pygeoapi.util import (dategetter, filter_dict_by_key_value,
                           get_provider_by_type, get_provider_default,
                           get_typed_value, render_j2_template, TEMPLATES,

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Return headers for requests (e.g:X-Powered-By)
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-Powered-By': 'pygeoapi {}'.format(__version__)

#: Formats allowed for ?f= requests
FORMATS = ['json', 'html', 'jsonld']



[docs]def pre_process(func): """ Decorator performing header copy and format\ checking before sending arguments to methods :param func: decorated function :returns: `func` """ def inner(*args, **kwargs): cls = args[0] headers_ = HEADERS.copy() format_ = check_format(args[2], args[1]) if len(args) > 3: args = args[3:] return func(cls, headers_, format_, *args, **kwargs) else: return func(cls, headers_, format_) return inner
[docs]class API: """API object"""
[docs] def __init__(self, config): """ constructor :param config: configuration dict :returns: `pygeoapi.API` instance """ self.config = config self.config['server']['url'] = self.config['server']['url'].rstrip('/') if 'templates' not in self.config['server']: self.config['server']['templates'] = TEMPLATES if 'pretty_print' not in self.config['server']: self.config['server']['pretty_print'] = False self.pretty_print = self.config['server']['pretty_print'] setup_logger(self.config['logging'])
@pre_process @jsonldify def landing_page(self, headers_, format_): """ Provide API :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) fcm = { 'links': [], 'title': self.config['metadata']['identification']['title'], 'description': self.config['metadata']['identification']['description'] } LOGGER.debug('Creating links') fcm['links'] = [{ 'rel': 'self' if not format_ or format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'type': 'application/json', 'title': 'This document as JSON', 'href': '{}?f=json'.format(self.config['server']['url']) }, { 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}?f=jsonld'.format(self.config['server']['url']) }, { 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}?f=html'.format(self.config['server']['url']), 'hreflang': self.config['server']['language'] }, { 'rel': 'service-desc', 'type': 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0', 'title': 'The OpenAPI definition as JSON', 'href': '{}/openapi'.format(self.config['server']['url']) }, { 'rel': 'service-doc', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'The OpenAPI definition as HTML', 'href': '{}/openapi?f=html'.format(self.config['server']['url']), 'hreflang': self.config['server']['language'] }, { 'rel': 'conformance', 'type': 'application/json', 'title': 'Conformance', 'href': '{}/conformance'.format(self.config['server']['url']) }, { 'rel': 'data', 'type': 'application/json', 'title': 'Collections', 'href': '{}/collections'.format(self.config['server']['url']) } ] if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' fcm['processes'] = False fcm['stac'] = False if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'process'): fcm['processes'] = True if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'stac-collection'): fcm['stac'] = True content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'landing_page.html', fcm) return headers_, 200, content if format_ == 'jsonld': headers_['Content-Type'] = 'application/ld+json' return headers_, 200, to_json(self.fcmld, self.pretty_print) return headers_, 200, to_json(fcm, self.pretty_print) @pre_process def openapi(self, headers_, format_, openapi): """ Provide OpenAPI document :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param openapi: dict of OpenAPI definition :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) path = '/'.join([self.config['server']['url'].rstrip('/'), 'openapi']) if format_ == 'html': data = { 'openapi-document-path': path } headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'openapi.html', data) return headers_, 200, content headers_['Content-Type'] = \ 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0' return headers_, 200, to_json(openapi, self.pretty_print) @pre_process def conformance(self, headers_, format_): """ Provide conformance definition :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) conformance = { 'conformsTo': CONFORMANCE } if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'conformance.html', conformance) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(conformance, self.pretty_print) @pre_process @jsonldify def describe_collections(self, headers_, format_, dataset=None): """ Provide collection metadata :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: name of collection :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) fcm = { 'collections': [], 'links': [] } collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'collection') if all([dataset is not None, dataset not in collections.keys()]): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Creating collections') for k, v in collections.items(): collection_data = get_provider_default(v['providers']) collection_data_type = collection_data['type'] collection_data_format = None if 'format' in collection_data: collection_data_format = collection_data['format'] collection = {'links': []} collection['id'] = k collection['title'] = v['title'] collection['description'] = v['description'] collection['keywords'] = v['keywords'] bbox = v['extents']['spatial']['bbox'] # The output should be an array of bbox, so if the user only # provided a single bbox, wrap it in a array. if not isinstance(bbox[0], list): bbox = [bbox] collection['extent'] = { 'spatial': { 'bbox': bbox } } if 'crs' in v['extents']['spatial']: collection['extent']['spatial']['crs'] = \ v['extents']['spatial']['crs'] t_ext = v.get('extents', {}).get('temporal', {}) if t_ext: begins = dategetter('begin', t_ext) ends = dategetter('end', t_ext) collection['extent']['temporal'] = { 'interval': [[begins, ends]] } if 'trs' in t_ext: collection['extent']['temporal']['trs'] = t_ext['trs'] for link in v['links']: lnk = { 'type': link['type'], 'rel': link['rel'], 'title': link['title'], 'href': link['href'] } if 'hreflang' in link: lnk['hreflang'] = link['hreflang'] collection['links'].append(lnk) LOGGER.debug('Adding JSON and HTML link relations') collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'self' if not format_ or format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as JSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}?f=jsonld'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) if collection_data_type == 'feature': collection['itemType'] = collection_data_type.capitalize() LOGGER.debug('Adding feature based links') collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'queryables', 'title': 'Queryables for this collection as JSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/queryables?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'queryables', 'title': 'Queryables for this collection as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/queryables?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'items', 'title': 'items as GeoJSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'rel': 'items', 'title': 'items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=jsonld'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'items', 'title': 'Items as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) elif collection_data_type == 'coverage': LOGGER.debug('Adding coverage based links') collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'collection', 'title': 'Detailed Coverage metadata in JSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'collection', 'title': 'Detailed Coverage metadata in HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) coverage_url = '{}/collections/{}/coverage'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': '{}/coverage-domainset'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage domain set of collection in JSON', 'href': '{}/domainset?f=json'.format(coverage_url) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': '{}/coverage-domainset'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage domain set of collection in HTML', 'href': '{}/domainset?f=html'.format(coverage_url) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': '{}/coverage-rangetype'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage range type of collection in JSON', 'href': '{}/rangetype?f=json'.format(coverage_url) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': '{}/coverage-rangetype'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage range type of collection in HTML', 'href': '{}/rangetype?f=html'.format(coverage_url) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/prs.coverage+json', 'rel': '{}/coverage'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage data', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/coverage?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) if collection_data_format is not None: collection['links'].append({ 'type': collection_data_format['mimetype'], 'rel': '{}/coverage'.format(OGC_RELTYPES_BASE), 'title': 'Coverage data as {}'.format( collection_data_format['name']), 'href': '{}/collections/{}/coverage?f={}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k, collection_data_format['name']) }) if dataset is not None: LOGGER.debug('Creating extended coverage metadata') try: p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'coverage')) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) collection['crs'] = [] collection['domainset'] = p.get_coverage_domainset() collection['rangetype'] = p.get_coverage_rangetype() try: tile = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'tile') except ProviderTypeError: tile = None if tile: LOGGER.debug('Adding tile links') collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'tiles', 'title': 'Tiles as JSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/tiles?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) collection['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'tiles', 'title': 'Tiles as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/tiles?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], k) }) if dataset is not None and k == dataset: fcm = collection break fcm['collections'].append(collection) if dataset is None: fcm['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'self' if not format or format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as JSON', 'href': '{}/collections?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url']) }) fcm['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections?f=jsonld'.format( self.config['server']['url']) }) fcm['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url']) }) if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' if dataset is not None: content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'collection.html', fcm) else: content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'collections.html', fcm) return headers_, 200, content if format_ == 'jsonld': jsonld = self.fcmld.copy() if dataset is not None: jsonld['dataset'] = jsonldify_collection(self, fcm) else: jsonld['dataset'] = list( map( lambda collection: jsonldify_collection( self, collection ), fcm.get('collections', []) ) ) headers_['Content-Type'] = 'application/ld+json' return headers_, 200, to_json(jsonld, self.pretty_print) return headers_, 200, to_json(fcm, self.pretty_print) @pre_process @jsonldify def get_collection_queryables(self, headers_, format_, dataset=None): """ Provide collection queryables :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: name of collection :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if any([dataset is None, dataset not in self.config['resources'].keys()]): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Creating collection queryables') LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'feature')) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) queryables = { 'queryables': [] } for k, v in p.fields.items(): show_field = False if if k in show_field = True else: show_field = True if show_field: queryables['queryables'].append({ 'queryable': k, 'type': v }) if format_ == 'html': # render queryables['title'] = self.config['resources'][dataset]['title'] headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'queryables.html', queryables) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(queryables, self.pretty_print)
[docs] def get_collection_items(self, headers, args, dataset, pathinfo=None): """ Queries collection :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param dataset: dataset name :param pathinfo: path location :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() properties = [] reserved_fieldnames = ['bbox', 'f', 'limit', 'startindex', 'resulttype', 'datetime', 'sortby'] formats = FORMATS formats.extend(f.lower() for f in PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()) collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'collection') if dataset not in collections.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) format_ = check_format(args, headers) if format_ is not None and format_ not in formats: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters') LOGGER.debug('Processing startindex parameter') try: startindex = int(args.get('startindex')) if startindex < 0: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'startindex value should be positive ' + 'or zero' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except (TypeError) as err: LOGGER.warning(err) startindex = 0 except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning(err) exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'startindex value should be an integer' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter') try: limit = int(args.get('limit')) # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max # allowed by the server configuration if limit <= 0: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'limit value should be strictly positive' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except TypeError as err: LOGGER.warning(err) limit = int(self.config['server']['limit']) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning(err) exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'limit value should be an integer' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) resulttype = args.get('resulttype') or 'results' LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter') try: bbox = args.get('bbox').split(',') if len(bbox) != 4: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'bbox values should be minx,miny,maxx,maxy' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except AttributeError: bbox = [] try: bbox = [float(c) for c in bbox] except ValueError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'bbox values must be numbers' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter') # TODO: pass datetime to query as a `datetime` object # we would need to ensure partial dates work accordingly # as well as setting '..' values to `None` so that underlying # providers can just assume a `datetime.datetime` object # # NOTE: needs testing when passing partials from API to backend datetime_ = args.get('datetime') datetime_invalid = False if (datetime_ is not None and 'temporal' in collections[dataset]['extents']): te = collections[dataset]['extents']['temporal'] if te['begin'] is not None and te['begin'].tzinfo is None: te['begin'] = te['begin'].replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if te['end'] is not None and te['end'].tzinfo is None: te['end'] = te['end'].replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if '/' in datetime_: # envelope LOGGER.debug('detected time range') LOGGER.debug('Validating time windows') datetime_begin, datetime_end = datetime_.split('/') if datetime_begin != '..': datetime_begin = dateparse(datetime_begin) if datetime_begin.tzinfo is None: datetime_begin = datetime_begin.replace( tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if datetime_end != '..': datetime_end = dateparse(datetime_end) if datetime_end.tzinfo is None: datetime_end = datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if te['begin'] is not None and datetime_begin != '..': if datetime_begin < te['begin']: datetime_invalid = True if te['end'] is not None and datetime_end != '..': if datetime_end > te['end']: datetime_invalid = True else: # time instant datetime__ = dateparse(datetime_) if datetime__ != '..': if datetime__.tzinfo is None: datetime__ = datetime__.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) LOGGER.debug('detected time instant') if te['begin'] is not None and datetime__ != '..': if datetime__ < te['begin']: datetime_invalid = True if te['end'] is not None and datetime__ != '..': if datetime__ > te['end']: datetime_invalid = True if datetime_invalid: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'datetime parameter out of range' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type( collections[dataset]['providers'], 'feature')) except ProviderTypeError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'invalid provider type' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('processing property parameters') for k, v in args.items(): if k not in reserved_fieldnames and k not in p.fields.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'unknown query parameter' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) elif k not in reserved_fieldnames and k in p.fields.keys(): LOGGER.debug('Add property filter {}={}'.format(k, v)) properties.append((k, v)) LOGGER.debug('processing sort parameter') val = args.get('sortby') if val is not None: sortby = [] sorts = val.split(',') for s in sorts: if ':' in s: prop, order = s.split(':') if order not in ['A', 'D']: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'sort order should be A or D' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) sortby.append({'property': prop, 'order': order}) else: sortby.append({'property': s, 'order': 'A'}) for s in sortby: if s['property'] not in p.fields.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'bad sort property' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) else: sortby = [] LOGGER.debug('Querying provider') LOGGER.debug('startindex: {}'.format(startindex)) LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit)) LOGGER.debug('resulttype: {}'.format(resulttype)) LOGGER.debug('sortby: {}'.format(sortby)) try: content = p.query(startindex=startindex, limit=limit, resulttype=resulttype, bbox=bbox, datetime=datetime_, properties=properties, sortby=sortby) except ProviderConnectionError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderGenericError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'generic error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) serialized_query_params = '' for k, v in args.items(): if k not in ('f', 'startindex'): serialized_query_params += '&' serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='') serialized_query_params += '=' serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',') content['links'] = [{ 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'self' if not format_ or format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as GeoJSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=json{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, serialized_query_params) }, { 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=jsonld{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, serialized_query_params) }, { 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?f=html{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, serialized_query_params) } ] if startindex > 0: prev = max(0, startindex - limit) content['links'].append( { 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'prev', 'title': 'items (prev)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?startindex={}{}' .format(self.config['server']['url'], dataset, prev, serialized_query_params) }) if len(content['features']) == limit: next_ = startindex + limit content['links'].append( { 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next', 'title': 'items (next)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items?startindex={}{}' .format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, next_, serialized_query_params) }) content['links'].append( { 'type': 'application/json', 'title': collections[dataset]['title'], 'rel': 'collection', 'href': '{}/collections/{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset) }) content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' # For constructing proper URIs to items if pathinfo: path_info = '/'.join([ self.config['server']['url'].rstrip('/'), pathinfo.strip('/')]) else: path_info = '/'.join([ self.config['server']['url'].rstrip('/'), headers.environ['PATH_INFO'].strip('/')]) content['items_path'] = path_info content['dataset_path'] = '/'.join(path_info.split('/')[:-1]) content['collections_path'] = '/'.join(path_info.split('/')[:-2]) content['startindex'] = startindex content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'items.html', content) return headers_, 200, content elif format_ == 'csv': # render formatter = load_plugin('formatter', {'name': 'CSV', 'geom': True}) content = formatter.write( data=content, options={ 'provider_def': get_provider_by_type( collections[dataset]['providers'], 'feature') } ) headers_['Content-Type'] = '{}; charset={}'.format( formatter.mimetype, self.config['server']['encoding']) cd = 'attachment; filename="{}.csv"'.format(dataset) headers_['Content-Disposition'] = cd return headers_, 200, content elif format_ == 'jsonld': headers_['Content-Type'] = 'application/ld+json' content = geojson2geojsonld(self.config, content, dataset) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
@pre_process def get_collection_item(self, headers_, format_, dataset, identifier): """ Get a single collection item :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: dataset name :param identifier: item identifier :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters') collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'collection') if dataset not in collections.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type( collections[dataset]['providers'], 'feature')) except ProviderTypeError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'invalid provider type' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) try: LOGGER.debug('Fetching id {}'.format(identifier)) content = p.get(identifier) except ProviderConnectionError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderItemNotFoundError: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'identifier not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderGenericError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'generic error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if content is None: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'identifier not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) content['links'] = [{ 'rel': 'self' if not format_ or format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'title': 'This document as GeoJSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items/{}?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, identifier) }, { 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items/{}?f=jsonld'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, identifier) }, { 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items/{}?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, identifier) }, { 'rel': 'collection', 'type': 'application/json', 'title': collections[dataset]['title'], 'href': '{}/collections/{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset) }, { 'rel': 'prev', 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items/{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, identifier) }, { 'rel': 'next', 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/items/{}'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset, identifier) } ] if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content['title'] = collections[dataset]['title'] content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'item.html', content) return headers_, 200, content elif format_ == 'jsonld': headers_['Content-Type'] = 'application/ld+json' content = geojson2geojsonld( self.config, content, dataset, identifier=identifier ) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(content, self.pretty_print) @jsonldify def get_collection_coverage(self, headers, args, dataset, pathinfo=None): """ Returns a subset of a collection coverage :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param dataset: dataset name :param pathinfo: path location :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() query_args = {} format_ = 'json' LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters') subsets = {} LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: collection_def = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'coverage') p = load_plugin('provider', collection_def) except KeyError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'collection does not exist' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderTypeError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'invalid provider type' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if 'f' in args: query_args['format_'] = format_ = args['f'] if 'rangeSubset' in args: LOGGER.debug('Processing rangeSubset parameter') query_args['range_subset'] = list( filter(None, args['rangeSubset'].split(','))) LOGGER.debug('Fields: {}'.format(query_args['range_subset'])) for a in query_args['range_subset']: if a not in p.fields: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid field specified' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if 'subset' in args: LOGGER.debug('Processing subset parameter') for s in args['subset'].split(','): try: if '"' not in s: m ='(.*)\((.*):(.*)\)', s) else: m ='(.*)\(\"(\S+)\":\"(\S+.*)\"\)', s) subset_name = if subset_name not in p.axes: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid axis name' } LOGGER.error(exception) return (headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print)) subsets[subset_name] = list(map( get_typed_value,, 3))) except AttributeError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'subset should be like "axis(min:max)"' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) query_args['subsets'] = subsets LOGGER.debug('Subsets: {}'.format(query_args['subsets'])) LOGGER.debug('Querying coverage') try: data = p.query(**query_args) except ProviderInvalidQueryError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error: {}'.format(err), } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderNoDataError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'No data found' } LOGGER.debug(exception) return headers_, 204, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) mt = collection_def['format']['name'] if format_ == mt: headers_['Content-Type'] = collection_def['format']['mimetype'] return headers_, 200, data elif format_ == 'json': headers_['Content-Type'] = 'application/prs.coverage+json' return headers_, 200, to_json(data, self.pretty_print) else: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'invalid format parameter' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(data, self.pretty_print) @jsonldify def get_collection_coverage_domainset(self, headers, args, dataset, pathinfo=None): """ Returns a collection coverage domainset :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param dataset: dataset name :param pathinfo: path location :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() format_ = check_format(args, headers) if format_ is None: format_ = 'json' LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: collection_def = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'coverage') p = load_plugin('provider', collection_def) data = p.get_coverage_domainset() except KeyError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'collection does not exist' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderTypeError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'invalid provider type' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if format_ == 'json': return headers_, 200, to_json(data, self.pretty_print) elif format_ == 'html': data['id'] = dataset data['title'] = self.config['resources'][dataset]['title'] content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'domainset.html', data) headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' return headers_, 200, content else: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'invalid format parameter' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) @jsonldify def get_collection_coverage_rangetype(self, headers, args, dataset, pathinfo=None): """ Returns a collection coverage rangetype :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param dataset: dataset name :param pathinfo: path location :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() format_ = check_format(args, headers) if format_ is None: format_ = 'json' LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: collection_def = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'coverage') p = load_plugin('provider', collection_def) data = p.get_coverage_rangetype() except KeyError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'collection does not exist' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderTypeError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'invalid provider type' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if format_ == 'json': return (headers_, 200, to_json(data, self.pretty_print)) elif format_ == 'html': data['id'] = dataset data['title'] = self.config['resources'][dataset]['title'] content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'rangetype.html', data) headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' return headers_, 200, content else: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'invalid format parameter' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) @pre_process @jsonldify def get_collection_tiles(self, headers_, format_, dataset=None): """ Provide collection tiles :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: name of collection :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, json.dumps(exception) if any([dataset is None, dataset not in self.config['resources'].keys()]): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, json.dumps(exception) LOGGER.debug('Creating collection tiles') LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: t = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'tile') p = load_plugin('provider', t) except (KeyError, ProviderTypeError): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection tiles' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception) except ProviderQueryError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception) tiles = { 'title': dataset, 'description': self.config['resources'][dataset]['description'], 'links': [], 'tileMatrixSetLinks': [] } tiles['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/json', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'json' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as JSON', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/tiles?f=json'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset) }) tiles['links'].append({ 'type': 'application/ld+json', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'jsonld' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/tiles?f=jsonld'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset) }) tiles['links'].append({ 'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'self' if format_ == 'html' else 'alternate', 'title': 'This document as HTML', 'href': '{}/collections/{}/tiles?f=html'.format( self.config['server']['url'], dataset) }) for service in p.get_tiles_service( baseurl=self.config['server']['url'], servicepath='/collections/{}/\ tiles/{{{}}}/{{{}}}/{{{}}}/{{{}}}?f=mvt' .format(dataset, 'tileMatrixSetId', 'tileMatrix', 'tileRow', 'tileCol'))['links']: tiles['links'].append(service) tiles['tileMatrixSetLinks'] = p.get_tiling_schemes() metadata_format = p.options['metadata_format'] if format_ == 'html': # render tiles['id'] = dataset tiles['title'] = self.config['resources'][dataset]['title'] tiles['tilesets'] = [ scheme['tileMatrixSet'] for scheme in p.get_tiling_schemes()] tiles['format'] = metadata_format tiles['bounds'] = \ self.config['resources'][dataset]['extents']['spatial']['bbox'] tiles['minzoom'] = p.options['zoom']['min'] tiles['maxzoom'] = p.options['zoom']['max'] headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'tiles.html', tiles) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(tiles, self.pretty_print) @jsonldify def get_collection_tiles_data(self, headers, format_, dataset=None, matrix_id=None, z_idx=None, y_idx=None, x_idx=None): """ Get collection items tiles :param headers: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: dataset name :param matrix_id: matrix identifier :param z_idx: z index :param y_idx: y index :param x_idx: x index :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() # format_ = check_format({}, headers) if format_ is None and format_ not in ['mvt']: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception) LOGGER.debug('Processing tiles') collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'collection') if dataset not in collections.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception) LOGGER.debug('Loading tile provider') try: t = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'tile') p = load_plugin('provider', t) format_ = p.format_type headers_['Content-Type'] = format_ LOGGER.debug('Fetching tileset id {} and tile {}/{}/{}'.format( matrix_id, z_idx, y_idx, x_idx)) content = p.get_tiles(layer=p.get_layer(), tileset=matrix_id, z=z_idx, y=y_idx, x=x_idx, format_=format_) if content is None: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'identifier not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception) else: return headers_, 202, content # @TODO: figure out if the spec requires to return json errors except KeyError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection tiles' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception) except ProviderConnectionError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception) except ProviderTilesetIdNotFoundError: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'Tileset id not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception) except ProviderTileQueryError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'Tile not found' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception) except ProviderTileNotFoundError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoMatch', 'description': 'tile not found (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception) except ProviderGenericError as err: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'generic error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(err) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception) @pre_process @jsonldify def get_collection_tiles_metadata(self, headers_, format_, dataset=None, matrix_id=None): """ Get collection items tiles :param headers_: copy of HEADERS object :param format_: format of requests, pre checked by pre_process decorator :param dataset: dataset name :param matrix_id: matrix identifier :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if any([dataset is None, dataset not in self.config['resources'].keys()]): exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Creating collection tiles') LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: t = get_provider_by_type( self.config['resources'][dataset]['providers'], 'tile') p = load_plugin('provider', t) except KeyError: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid collection tiles' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderConnectionError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except ProviderQueryError: exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'query error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if matrix_id not in p.options['schemes']: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'tileset not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) metadata_format = p.options['metadata_format'] tilejson = True if (metadata_format == 'tilejson') else False tiles_metadata = p.get_metadata( dataset=dataset, server_url=self.config['server']['url'], layer=p.get_layer(), tileset=matrix_id, tilejson=tilejson) if format_ == 'html': # render metadata = dict(metadata=tiles_metadata) metadata['id'] = dataset metadata['title'] = self.config['resources'][dataset]['title'] metadata['tileset'] = matrix_id metadata['format'] = metadata_format headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'tiles_metadata.html', metadata) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(tiles_metadata, self.pretty_print) @pre_process @jsonldify def describe_processes(self, headers_, format_, process=None): """ Provide processes metadata :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param process: name of process :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) processes_config = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'process') if processes_config: if process is not None: if process not in processes_config.keys(): exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'identifier not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) p = load_plugin('process', processes_config[process]['processor']) p.metadata['jobControlOptions'] = ['sync-execute'] p.metadata['outputTransmission'] = ['value'] response = p.metadata else: processes = [] for k, v in processes_config.items(): p = load_plugin('process', processes_config[k]['processor']) p.metadata['jobControlOptions'] = ['sync-execute'] p.metadata['outputTransmission'] = ['value'] processes.append(p.metadata) response = { 'processes': processes } else: processes = [] response = {'processes': processes} if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' if process is not None: response = render_j2_template(self.config, 'process.html', p.metadata) else: response = render_j2_template(self.config, 'processes.html', {'processes': processes}) return headers_, 200, response return headers_, 200, to_json(response, self.pretty_print)
[docs] def execute_process(self, headers, args, data, process): """ Execute process :param headers: dict of HTTP headers :param args: dict of HTTP request parameters :param data: process data :param process: name of process :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content """ headers_ = HEADERS.copy() data_dict = {} response = {} if not data: exception = { 'code': 'MissingParameterValue', 'description': 'missing request data' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) processes = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'process') if process not in processes: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'identifier not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) p = load_plugin('process', processes[process]['processor']) data_ = json.loads(data) for input_ in data_['inputs']: data_dict[input_['id']] = input_['value'] try: outputs = p.execute(data_dict) m = p.metadata if 'response' in args and args['response'] == 'raw': headers_['Content-Type'] = \ m['outputs'][0]['output']['formats'][0]['mimeType'] if 'json' in headers_['Content-Type']: response = to_json(outputs) else: response = outputs else: response['outputs'] = outputs response = to_json(response) return headers_, 200, response except Exception as err: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': str(err) } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print)
@pre_process @jsonldify def get_stac_root(self, headers_, format_): if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) id_ = 'pygeoapi-stac' stac_version = '0.6.2' stac_url = os.path.join(self.config['server']['url'], 'stac') content = { 'id': id_, 'stac_version': stac_version, 'title': self.config['metadata']['identification']['title'], 'description': self.config['metadata']['identification']['description'], # noqa 'license': self.config['metadata']['license']['name'], 'providers': [{ 'name': self.config['metadata']['provider']['name'], 'url': self.config['metadata']['provider']['url'], }], 'links': [] } stac_collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'stac-collection') for key, value in stac_collections.items(): content['links'].append({ 'rel': 'collection', 'href': '{}/{}?f=json'.format(stac_url, key), 'type': 'application/json' }) content['links'].append({ 'rel': 'collection', 'href': '{}/{}'.format(stac_url, key), 'type': 'text/html' }) if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'stac/root.html', content) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(content, self.pretty_print) @pre_process @jsonldify def get_stac_path(self, headers_, format_, path): if format_ is not None and format_ not in FORMATS: exception = { 'code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'description': 'Invalid format' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 400, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Path: {}'.format(path)) dir_tokens = path.split('/') if dir_tokens: dataset = dir_tokens[0] stac_collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'], 'type', 'stac-collection') if dataset not in stac_collections: exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'collection not found' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) LOGGER.debug('Loading provider') try: p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type( stac_collections[dataset]['providers'], 'stac')) except ProviderConnectionError as err: LOGGER.error(err) exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'connection error (check logs)' } LOGGER.error(exception) return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) id_ = '{}-stac'.format(dataset) stac_version = '0.6.2' description = stac_collections[dataset]['description'] content = { 'id': id_, 'stac_version': stac_version, 'description': description, 'extent': stac_collections[dataset]['extents'], 'links': [] } try: stac_data = p.get_data_path( os.path.join(self.config['server']['url'], 'stac'), path, path.replace(dataset, '', 1) ) except ProviderNotFoundError as err: LOGGER.error(err) exception = { 'code': 'NotFound', 'description': 'resource not found' } return headers_, 404, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) except Exception as err: LOGGER.error(err) exception = { 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'description': 'data query error' } return headers_, 500, to_json(exception, self.pretty_print) if isinstance(stac_data, dict): content.update(stac_data) content['links'].extend(stac_collections[dataset]['links']) if format_ == 'html': # render headers_['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' content['path'] = path if 'assets' in content: # item view content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'stac/item.html', content) else: content = render_j2_template(self.config, 'stac/catalog.html', content) return headers_, 200, content return headers_, 200, to_json(content, self.pretty_print) else: # send back file headers_.pop('Content-Type', None) return headers_, 200, stac_data
[docs]def check_format(args, headers): """ check format requested from arguments or headers :param args: dict of request keyword value pairs :param headers: dict of request headers :returns: format value """ # Optional f=html or f=json query param # overrides accept format_ = args.get('f') if format_: return format_ # Format not specified: get from accept headers # format_ = 'text/html' headers_ = None if 'accept' in headers.keys(): headers_ = headers['accept'] elif 'Accept' in headers.keys(): headers_ = headers['Accept'] format_ = None if headers_: headers_ = headers_.split(',') if 'text/html' in headers_: format_ = 'html' elif 'application/ld+json' in headers_: format_ = 'jsonld' elif 'application/json' in headers_: format_ = 'json' return format_